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‘Con El Sudor De Tu Frente’ coming soon.
It’s time! The production of ‘Con El Sudor De Tu Frente’ is under way! Amongst many things it’s a film that speaks on the Latinx immigrant experience and wealth inequality. This has been a massive undertaking, and everyone working on the film is thrilled to see it completed. Stay tuned through the production process! Available midway through April 2024.
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With breathtaking scenes and an award-winning director, ‘Con El Sudor De Tu Frente’ will be sure to enthrall you. However, we’re going to need help making sure the film becomes a reality. Crowdfunding is running at full steam to try to make this film a reality. We’re going to need about $2,500 to $5,000 dollars.  Please donate to the indiegogo campaign if you can, it’ll be running until March 26th of this year!
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